Higienica® Мousse foam for removal of lice and nits 100 ml

Higienica® Мousse foam for removal of lice and nits 100 ml
Medical device Class I
Higienica® Мousse is a medical device class I which effectively kills lice and nits. The product is gentle to the scalp, with a pleasant aroma and easy application. Suitable for children older than 6 months.
Shake before each use. Spray the foam on your hand and cover the hair from root to tip. Dry with a hair dryer or let it dry on its own. Leave for 1 night or all day, at least for 8 hours. Rinse your hair as usual. Repeat the procedure after 7 days for a better effect. It can be used often without resistance development. Unnoticeable, it can be washed off later on after application. 4 treatments would be sufficient.